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Competency Evaluation of the Graduates in I

来源:企业改革与管理 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-01-25
摘要:1 INTRODUCTION The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) developed by Thomas L. Saaty in the 1970s is a structured technique for organizing and analyzing complex decisions. It provides a comprehensive and rational framework for structuring and e


The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) developed by Thomas L. Saaty in the 1970s is a structured technique for organizing and analyzing complex decisions. It provides a comprehensive and rational framework for structuring and evaluating decision problems. However, in the real world, not all things are clear enough, there are many things with the boundaries of ambiguity, in this case, AHP may be extended to fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP), which is a combination of fuzzy mathematics and analytic hierarchy process. The advantage of the FAHP is that it can deal with the vagueness of people's intuitive evaluation. The causes of ambiguity can be summarized as follows[1] :

● An interdependent transition between objective things. For example, there are many things with not only good or bad side. People are not only good or evil either. Some things can be called double-sided and some people can be classified as hypocritical, which is ambiguous.

● The complexity of the system and the limits of human civilization. In the real world, most of the problems are complex, not only the level of the structure, the elements of each layer is also more. In addition, each person has his own personality, and everyone's cognition is heterogeneous, so this will produce ambiguity.

● The restriction of people’s awareness. In the world, there are a lot of things that transcend people’s cognition, so people will be ambiguous when judging these conditions.

In addition, FAHP can be used to overcome the shortcomings about the difficulty of examining consistency of the judgment matrix, which is still lack of a scientific test criterion in AHP. In this paper, we first introduce the method of FAHP briefly, and then we discuss how to evaluate the competency of college graduates in China's Internet industry in terms of FAHP, so as to find the most important traits of the employees in Internet.


First, we introduce the general steps of FAHP to solve evaluation problems[2-3].

? Build the hierarchical structure model.

Deeply analyze the problem, enumerate the factors related to the problem, clarify the concerned factors, and build the hierarchical structure model.

? Establish the fuzzy consistent judgment matrix .

This step needs to be carried out in two steps[2]:

1) Establish a priority relation matrix. The elements in the priority relation matrix are the comparison of the relative importance of the relevant factors at the present level for a certain factor of the previous level. Let the priority relation matrix be expressed as, must be 0, 0.5 or 1. Then,represents that factor is more important than factor , represents that factor and factorare equally important, represents that factor is more important than factor.

2) Transform the priority relation matrix into a fuzzy consistent judgment matrix. First, sum the row of elements of the priority relation matrix, and let

Then, use the following mathematical transformation

which can generate a fuzzy consensus judgment matrix.

? Calculate the weight vector[2].

Set the weights of the relevant factors corresponding to the fuzzy consistent judgment matrix are , then use the relationship between and to obtain the specific value, so as to get the weight vector, the relationship is as follows:

The application of FAHP is very extensive, especially in the fields of industry, commerce and government construction. For example, the use of FAHP can obtain the weights of enterprise solvency, operational capacity, profitability and other factors. Then, according to the weight of these factors, small and medium enterprises financial risk can be analyzed, so as to help small and medium enterprises to improve the company's operations[4].

This paper focuses on the application of FAHP in the evaluation of competency of graduates in China’s Internet. The American Human Resources Association has announced that human resource practitioners will face nine challenges in the next decade, and one of the challenges that all human resource practitioners will always face is the recruitment and training of talented people. North China mentioned that in China, various enterprises have realized that the lack of key talent will bring huge losses, therefore, the major companies think of a solution, that is to carry out school recruit, which can recruit and train the talent suited to the companies. When the campus recruitment is being carried out, the major companies are also facing crucial issues - what kind of graduates is excellent? What kind of graduates are suitable for their own business? At this time, the evaluation of the competency of Chinese graduates was presented. "Competency" originated in the 1970s. It is the characteristic such as knowledge, skills, ability to work and so on and it can be observed, described, guided and measured. It has its important positive impact on personal and business success[5]. Obviously, different industries have different emphasis on the competency of graduates. In this paper, FAHP is used to obtain the characteristic of competency of graduates in China's Internet, and quantifies the result. Then, according to the conclusion, companies can adjust the corresponding needs in the recruitment.

文章来源:《企业改革与管理》 网址: http://www.qyggygl.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0125/729.html


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